Winter Doldrums: A Season to Hibernate and Rest
It’s been a brutal 2023 in startup land. I don’t know about you but I’m feeling beaten up. Exhausted. It probably does not help that I have been traveling almost nonstop since august. And mainly to dark cold Northern Europe, Canada and Central Asia most of the time. It’s cold and dark over there and weather is a big driving factor of our moods. Plus there are just so many things to do in the business and with portfolio companies as well as all the various projects and initiatives I’m involved with. #champagneproblems for sure.
It’s even more brutal for startup founders. As Matt Turck tweeted:
“There’s a whole generation of companies for which the startup journey has gone from a marathon to an ultra-marathon. Many people are tired and the next year or two is going to take Goggins-level amounts of resolve.”
So it’s mid-December. I’m feeling lethargic but like many people in our world, making the final push of travel to get as much stuff done before the Christmas break when most of the world disappears for winter break. I’m very much looking forward to the 1–2 week interlude to rest and recover.
The old me would have been busy during the holidays, trying to steal a march on everyone else by setting up meetings, planning, and a packed schedule during the break. I think I had to do that in the first part of my career because I felt behind and had no idea what I’m doing.
But now as I am older and hopefully wiser, I understand that it’s a marathon and not a sprint. And as I’ve told some of my founders, resting ethic is just as important as work ethic. So I’m planning on doing nothing during the Christmas break with a wide open calendar, reading and chilling. And plenty of good food with my family and friends in Vancouver. That’s it.
Like many, I’m expecting a busy and exciting new year. There will be challenges but also inevitably big opportunities showing up. So better to be fully rested so you can jump on it in the new year. Hibernate like a bear, gather your strength and get mentally prepared. This way you will be ready to conquer when the new year starts.