Sahil Bloom and Your True Wealth Score
There is a young influencer named Sahil Bloom that really came to the fore in 2021, started seeing all his posts and info all over the web. He was on the Partner track at a PE firm in California, living the life. But came to the realization that while he was doing well financially, every other aspect of his life was a mess. So made some big changes, quitting his job, moving back to Boston to be closer to his parents and starting a new career. He has the awesome and audacious goal of positively impacting a billion lives. Kind of makes my goal of doing the same for 10 million lives seem small, I really need to think bigger!
I became a fan of his work and have listened to numerous interviews with him as he has built out his social media empire and Personal Holding Company. But there was a recent interview he did that was particularly excellent which can be found here. Highly recommend it.
In this interview he talks about the various components of a good life. Time Wealth, Physical (Health) Wealth, Social Wealth, Mental Wealth & Financial Wealth. You have to look at your entire life from each of these measures. It’s the only way to create a truly fulfilling and valuable life. Most of us only look at Financial wealth side of things because that is the easiest thing to measure and what society seems to value. We only realize the mistake after we have lost all the other aspects, as I found out the hard way personally.
A concept similar yet different to what Tai Lopez introduced before. But for some reason it only really sunk into me recently after hearing it here. Sahil simplifies this. These concepts sometimes take a while to absorb but when it hits, it hits. So I took the free test that he offers here: No surprise, it was enlightening.
Scored pretty well on Time Wealth, Physical Wealth and Mental Health. My Financial wealth score was not super great although I suspect this is due to my own nagging financial insecurities that have plagued me my entire life. I had to go look at my finances to reassure myself and understand much of this due to the financial scarcity growing up as well as the natural human view of never having enough.
Sahil mentions talking to many very well off people, whether millionaires, multimillionaires and even billionaires. When all of them are asked what is the number where you will feel like it will be enough, the answer is almost always 2–3X the number they have now. Human greed is eternal, so bear that in mind.
But the worst score was my Social Wealth, which was pretty stark. And it makes sense as my family life is a mess. Plus I have not fully re-engaged with people in the post pandemic world. This will be a priority going into 2025. More coffees & lunches, more family time in SF, Vancouver and Taiwan. Hanging out with friends more.
So for anyone interested in Sahil Bloom’s work, he is releasing a new book today, called “The Five Types of Wealth”. I pre-ordered it myself and think it will be super helpful for everyone as they rethink their lives. Also recommend taking the, it is short and useful. Good luck out there!