Purpose & Mission=Legacy
“Person of Interest” is one of the most prescient action tv series that came out in the last decade. It showed the extensive reach of surveillance state and rise of cyber warfare. A bit dystopian but also a great human drama.
There was a striking quote in the last episode.
“Sure. Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone, love someone, if even a single person remembers you. Then maybe you never really die at all.”
It has stuck with me for a while and helped me think about my mission. So many of us are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives that we don’t think about where we are going or what we are leaving behind. Basically our legacy in life.
I’ve had to ask myself: Why am I here? What am I doing? What is the ultimate mission that can justify my time on this planet?
So this is what I’ve come up with and have a daily reminder of this through my Vision Board.
-Being the best father, husband, son, brother and friend that I can be.
-Being the best business partner for my businesses that I can be.
-Positively impacting at least 10,000,000 people across the world. I would do this through my online writing, investing, mentoring/advising, educating, public speaking, consulting, coaching, donations to charity as well as the building & operating of businesses.
I’ve always believed that you should leave something behind better than when you arrived. Executing on my mission every day is the way I’ll build my legacy.
But first you have to clarify your mission as this is the first important step to accomplish it & really live. As the Bible says: “Man without vision shall perish.”