Have Fun Getting Kidnapped: Why Stealth, Privacy & Pseudonymity is the Future
People who have followed me know I’ve been a big fan of Wall Street Playboys (recently rebranded as BowtiedBull) for a long time. They preach keeping your ego in check and to not show off via status signaling. Ie. driving around flashy lambo while your neighbours fall behind economically. Falling behind: an awfully easy thing to happen in 2020 while we are all buffeted by hugely significant economic, geopolitical and technology change. Going into 2021, that has only accelerated. Some smart and lucky folks will pull far ahead but a good majority of people will continue to fall behind in desperation.
It’s what is called the “Red Queen” effect: You have to run twice as hard to stay in the same place.
This is why I stress two things for those who are fortunate to have gotten ahead in the last few years. I define this as having a well paying job or running a business on the right side of the trends, possessing assets and being healthy (mentally and physically). This is a shockingly low percentage of the world population.
Number 1: Make sure you are helping your friends, family, neighbors & community at large. What kind of human drops those they came up in the world with?? Donate to charities you believe in and at minimum use a tithing system (10% of $$ made donated, it’s simple, easy and the right thing). Also tip your restaurant waiter and waitresses very well, like 30–50%. Literal hat tip to BowtiedBull for this recommendation. I’ve been doing this for the last 6 months. It is a great feeling seeing how surprised and happy you can make your server.
Number 2: is the biggest part. Be modest, Go stealth and have different layers of identity in public. That’s why you see the rise of cartoons or pseudonyms on mass social media like on Twitter. As a young up and comer (and now old and still trying to be an up and comer), I always wanted to be in Forbes (Midas List or whatever), or be famous or have a huge Twitter or social media following.
Now I think it’s a horrible curse and just opens you up to attacks. Post the wrong thing, or say something that is taken out of context and you can be cancelled by the idiotic “Woke mob” that seems to be actively looking for things to be outraged about.
Or even worse a target of physical violence or threats from the insane or the professional criminal class.
Seriously anyone who thinks being famous is the thing: read this by Tim Ferriss and it will cure you of any inclination or interest for fame:
11 Reasons Not to Become Famous (or “A Few Lessons Learned Since 2007”).
I have admired the guy forever but would not want to have his life ever.
The point is that there are going to be a lot of disenfranchised, desperate and rightfully angry people in the world looking to take this anger out on those seen to be doing well or seen as different (in my case, being Asian/American-Canadian). We have already seen a 150% rise of Anti-Asian attacks in America in 2020 and do not see this sad trend ending anytime soon. It seems inevitable with the Covid coming from China & the increasing animosity growing between America and China. No different than what happened to many Arabic looking folks after 9–11. Lots of ignorant idiots in America sadly. But this is just something any student of history, psychology and sociology has seen time and time again.
That is why we will see a growing movement of pseudonymous players. Privacy for the smart folks will be en vogue again. The ultimate flex is going stealth and living a life doing whatever you want to do, hanging out with whoever you want to hang out with & being left alone when you want ie. True freedom. You can’t do that if you are being chased by paparazzi or surrounded by security or at the beck and call of others.
I am not a begrudger. Many of these people worked hard and earned their good fortunes. In the world prior to 2020, when most people were doing well, you can show off all you want.
But in the post 2020 Covid world, for pure decency and self preservation, I hope those who are doing well check their egos and stop their status signalling. Otherwise keep on showing off on Instagram, showing your luxury travel porn, doing bottle service at clubs, going to ostentatious restaurants & driving around your flashy lambo. If you keep doing this, as the guys at BowtiedBull say: “Have Fun Getting Kidnapped!”