Full Benefit: Embrace Challenges
I learned this term “Full Benefit” from some ex-Navy SEAL friends a while ago but had forgotten it. It got resurfaced on Linkedin by Teddy Mitrosilis and it was an excellent reminder. Here it is below.
“Navy SEALs have a saying.
When something sucks, they say:
It’s an instant mindset shift.
• Lose an important customer?
• Hiking and it starts pouring rain?
• Driving and your car breaks down?
• Working on a project and lost a draft?
• Didn’t get the job opportunity you want?
Full Benefit.
Lesson: Adversity is an opportunity
The message is simple.
Every adversity is an opportunity.
• To grow
• To learn
• To evolve
• To get stronger
• To become better
These moments forge us if we let them.
The next time you’re facing something hard, welcome it.
Work through the process.
Learn the lessons.
Reap the full benefit.”
No wonder the Navy SEALS are so bad ass.
Man, I so wish I had understood this earlier in my life and career. I wish everyone heard and understood this. The world would not be the disastrous mess it is now. But alas, better late than never. So remember, when you meet the inevitable challenge or problem in life, just say to yourself “Full benefit” and reset your mindset to tackle it head on.