Damocles Sword: The Psychic Costs of Wealth and Power
I think most people know the term “Damocles Sword” but don’t know the origin story. There used to be a king named Dionysius in ancient times, who built a massive empire in Sicily.
In his court he sat under a golden throne, surrounded by beautiful women and art, served delicious foods and fruits, living the apex of a luxurious lifestyle.
He had a servant/courtier named Damocles who joined him recently and was enamored by this incredible life. Damocles told king Dionysius how fortunate and lucky he was. Dionysius offered to switch places with him for one day and Damocles readily accepted.
Quoting Wikipedia: “But Dionysius, who had made many enemies during his reign, arranged that a sword should hang above the throne, held at the pommel only by a single hair of a horse’s tail to evoke the sense of what it is like to be king: though having much fortune, always having to watch in fear and anxiety against dangers that might try to overtake him.
Damocles finally begged the king to be allowed to depart because he no longer wanted to be so fortunate, realizing that while he had everything he could ever want at his feet, it could not affect what was above his crown.”
It’s a parable. “Heavy lies the crown” as the old saying goes. The higher you are, the harder the fall. You have more to lose. Think about the constant fear someone with power and wealth has. Everyone wants to take down the King. Well, not everyone, but enough people to make being a King hard.
It’s easy to see all the glamor and glory of someone who has made it. We don’t see the pain and suffering they had to get there. We also don’t see the pain and suffering needed to maintain it.
What an interesting lesson. Keep that in mind next time you meet someone who has scaled heights you have not and whom you envy. But also do appreciate and respect what they have accomplished and how they got there. It’s very rarely as easy as their PR makes it out to be.