Beware of Life on Easy Mode: Stuck in the Matrix
For those who have been stuck in a cave for 24 years, the Matrix is this amazing sci-fi movie that came out in 1999. It describes a world where humans are put in stasis and treated like batteries by robots. In meantime, humans are living in a made up digital world, almost like the metaverse blissfully unaware of the harsh reality around them. Living a fake reality while their bodies are being harvested for energy.
Actually it’s a good metaphor for the world we live in now, consumers in debt chasing the next shiny toy sold by big corporations, brainwashed by ads, social media, mainstream media and public schooling.
I’d argue that 70 years without major global war like World War 1 and 2 or the massive economic crisis like the Great Depression, we find ourselves drowning in comfort and complacency. Now the world is filled with sleepy, soft and weak men.
All aided and abetted by bad diets & being poor health or obese. Trapped in sedentary or Dehumanizing jobs where they are addicted to their bi-monthly paycheck, and barely getting by financially. Consuming and spending all their money on stuff they don’t like to impress people they don’t know.
Add to this, how they use their time: on Social media for quick dopamine hits. Or worse, following Netflix, Onlyfans, and general degenerate and addictive habits like gambling. All the while searching for fame and quick riches. Stuck in Short term thinking. Distracted by The current thing and the lies of the Mainstream Media (MSM).
Terms like NPC or LARP-ing are often used. Non Player Character is someone who is predictable or does not think for themselves. Or Live Action Role Play: people pretending and acting out a character. Fake and unreal. And all uncomplimentary obviously. Sadly most people fit in these descriptions to the tee.
Bowtiedbull wrote:
“Everything that has happened in the past 5–10 years or so has all benefitted the people at the top: 1) wealth inequality, 2) dating inequality, 3) income inequality and 4) even location inequality due to the ability to leave if running an online biz
Won’t get better, will worsen.”
The guys are right: We see the growing surveillance state and power of multinational corporations. With Growing wealth inequality we see the ongoing death of the middle class in the West. And for some of us, something feels very much wrong. That we are becoming numb to life. This is the real Matrix we are trapped in.
“For years, man ran outside, overcame natural obstacles & conquered the elements. Today the average man struggles to walk up stairs. We were meant for more than what modern life demands.
Our bodies crave activity.
Our minds crave challenge.
Our soul demands purpose.”
Living in “Hard mode” is the way out. Fix your diet. Stop drinking soda and eating fast foods and foods full of preservatives. Exercise and lift weights regularly. Learn to fight and train in mixed martial arts. Take Ice baths & saunas. Sign up for marathons or extreme sports. Physical fitness is the bare minimum requirement to excellence and standing out.
Start a business and invest in yourself. Act with discipline and courage every day in small ways. Take ownership for your results. Hold yourself to high standards. Question everything and learn to think for yourself. Be generous and bring others up with you. Build your tribe. Do all the hard things you don’t want to do but know are good for you.
MasterYourBeliefs Tweeted:
“This modern life has been here for 50–60 years.
Our struggle for survival, or fighting for our life, that all has been here for countless millennia.
We are machines of ‘war’, not of watching Netflix and arguing online.
We crave ‘real’ action, not the present day substitutes.”
Challenge yourself like the strong men and women of old times that sacrificed and created the prosperous world we live in now.
Do all of this and you will have a chance of breaking out of the matrix so you can live the life that you dream of.